Holiday Recipes…. Soft Ginger Cookies / by George Geary

It's Fall... I love all of the spices and aromas that make up the fall/holiday time. Here is a spiced cooking that is very soft. I use two kinds of ginger in the recipe.

If you are looking at your spice cabinet and thinking.. I need new spices.. Then check out The Spice House out of Chicago area. They ship and its work every cent! When you open a jar of spices you will begin to notice the freshness right away.  

The Spice House


Secondly, I have a few spaces for my May 2014 trip to the south of France. If you are interested please email me at

France Information


Here is the recipe for these great cookies: Recipe

Also, make sure you have signed up for my daily recipe for the 12 days of Christmas.. 

Do me a favor and repost this and or send to your foodie friends.. They may just gice you my France Trip as a gift!

