If you love the aroma of Roses, you will love the flavor of this sauce. It is easy to make and store in the fridge for over a year. Uses: Drizzle on ice cream; use 1 cup for a batch of ice cream, brush a vanilla cake with the syrup or add 2 tablespoons to a glass of champagne.
Organic Pesticide Free Roses. I get mine at the Santa Monica Farmers Market on Tuesday at Lilys Eggs @smlilyseggs
Bring 2 pounds of sugar and 2 pints of water to a boil.
Wash roses with cool water, pull petals apart, and place into boiling sugar mixture. Bring to a boil and stir.
Place lid on, fire off, and let seep for 2 hours.
Drain liquid off of petals.
Place into jars, cool before placing lids on top
The rose petal sauce will last up to one year if you do not contaminate the mixture. When you use it, please pour what you need into a bowl. Do not use anything like a spoon in the jar. Reseal. If you see mold forming on the top, use something you should not have. Enjoy!